Contemporary Visions: Legacies of the American West: On View at The Owings Gallery on Palace Ave.
Our latest exhibition delves into the multifaceted nature of the American West as seen through a distinctly contemporary lens, featuring both paintings and bronzes that explore and celebrate the diverse cultures, animals, and artistic traditions that have left their imprint on the region and on the popular consciousness itself. The featured artists—among them Ed Mell, Tony Abeyta, Logan Maxwell Hagege, John Moyers, Michael Coleman, William E. Sharer, and Dave Wade—present their own visions while also being clear heirs to rich regional traditions of painting and sculpture.
John MoyersLa Cucaracha, d. 201230 x 60 inches
Logan Maxwell HagegeFrom the Rio Grande, d. 202420 x 16 inches
William E. SharerOne-Eyed Juan, d. 200720 x 18 inches
Felix A. LopezBulto * Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, d. 199224 1/4 h x 10 w x 10 d inches
Linda LynchHidden Cycle, d. 202322 ½ x 29 ¾ inches
Linda LynchLittle Eland, d. 202422 x 30 inches
Yazzie Johnson and Gail BirdNecklace, d. 20249 1/2 inches (worn around neck), 18 1/4 inches full length
Page AllenBasin5 x 5 inches
"The collective unconscious of the knowledge of nature, the real force of nature, rather than the image of it. I believe we are all essentially seeking this, the real force, the fact of the ineffable."
— Linda Lynch -
Tony AbeytaMagpies at Dusk24 x 60 inches
Dave WadeHigh Country Grubbing30 x 40 inches
Michael ColemanPassing - Pronghorn Buck24 x 20 inches
Dave WadeGarden Patrol, d. 200630 x 40 inches